

Mittwoch, 14. Juni, 19 Uhr
Hauptplatz 23, 4020 Linz

Systemische aufstellung

Research in 1980 classified newspaper headlines into four broad categories: questions, commands, statements, and explanations. Advertisers and marketers classify advertising headlines slightly differently into: questions, commands, benefits, news/information, and provocation.

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Mittwoch, 12. Juli, 19 Uhr
Hauptplatz 23, 4020 Linz

Systemische aufstellung

A headline’s purpose is to quickly and briefly draw attention to the story. It is generally written by a copy editor, but may also be written by the writer, the page layout designer, or other editors. The most important story on the front page above the fold may have a larger headline if the story is unusually important.

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Freitag, 14. Juli bis Sontag 16. Juli
Hauptplatz 23, 4020 Linz

Systemische aufstellung

Research in 1980 classified newspaper headlines into four broad categories: questions, commands, statements, and explanations. Advertisers and marketers classify advertising headlines slightly differently into: questions, commands, benefits, news/information, and provocation.

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